Ok, I have a request. I'm hoping you might help me with it. Here's the background, I have 4 children, they are getting older. One of them is almost half way through high school which means that she will be coming up to big life decisions soon (time goes so quickly, you know). Decisions about what she wants to be when she grows up. I'm 34 and I haven't cemented that decision yet. As children/young adults I think there are so few occupations we are aware of, firefighter, doctor, banker, chef might be about it. I want my childrens' options to be many. So, tell me (annonymously if you prefer) what do you do? What awesome jobs are you aware of now that you would never have known about in high school. I'd greatly appreciate any input.
Elle Decor
I'm an elementary teacher. Everyone knows about that! But my summer job last year was working at a lodge in the bush of Alaska. It was a lot of fun. If I could start again, I might look into resort management- but focus in the small-scale lodge style.
Let's see...first started college out as a psychologist...then went on to dental hygiene..hated it..now I am into sonographer (ultrasound), but also am debating even finishing right now because my business has taken off quite well. I say "do what you love and success will come to you!" My husband owns several businesses and we flip houses. We both have been very fortunate to have jobs that we enjoy doing and that we created ourselves! Nothing is more rewarding than knowing your success comes from your own two hands!
Oh well jobs that I would have loved to have known about...... dolphin trainer, event manager, stylist, graphic designer, photographer.
I would greatly suggest having your daughter take a career test of some sort (you know, that decide what jobs would interest her based in her interests). Or, just ask her what she likes doing...Go from there. Because odds are she's not going to want to be a 'astronomer' if she's not into science and math.
Speech Therapist. Who knows, she is a lot like me in some respects. Maybe guide dog trainer? My favorite is Little Sister's old roommate- underwater bridge inspector.
I'm a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Coast Guard and couldn't imagine doing anything else. Best job ever...
Such good ideas! Thank you.
More than 60% of people change majors in college. I had a roommate who was a psychology major. She never went to class, never studied, couldn't care less about what she was doing. The good old University knew just what she needed. They require undergraduates to take a course from each of several categories. She took geology and would not shut up about rocks! She changed majors and fell in love with her studies.
I would have liked to know more about marketing- there is script writing, photography, advertising, convention organization, market research. I also would have liked to know about forensics, accounting, and many more.
The best part about college is learning about yourself. They will all find their way.
I would like to be someone who works with numbers and possibly children. I have been considering being a teacher, accountant, event planner, or even a guidance counselor. There are just too many choices. I am sure something will come around and interest me sooner or later, but it better be soon because I am running out of time!!!
My brother is an equine dentist, which means he is a horse dentist. No joke. He went to an agricultural highschool and when he got to college he majored in equine science. Knowing there was enough veterinarian's out there, he decided to specialize. Let me tell you he is laughing all the way to the bank! He will go to big rich horse farms and file down the horses teeth and occassionaly pulls out a tooth if it is bothering the horse. You just have to love horses!
I was a counsellor (therapist), then photographed and gave slide show presentations on natural building, now building, and possibly soon will focus on being a childbirth educator, writing, and putting together a documentary film.
Tell her to follow what moves her and never to give up on her dreams.
I know this was 2 years ago... buuuuut, I have a couple additions:
Toy Designer (I am this currently.)
Motion Graphics Designer
Graphic Designer
Web Designer
Physician's Assistant
Product Photographer
Thanks for adding new ideas! While my oldest has decided and will head of to school to study equine science, I have 3 more to follow over the next few years so we love to hear options.
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