Thank you to everyone who's been asking how I'm
doing. Things are going well so far. I've had two of four weeks of chemo/radiation treatment and really shouldn't complain (I'll save that for later, if it becomes necessary) because other than being exhausted and not feeling well, it has not been horrible. I simply spend most days laying on the couch.
I am a lucky girl though. I've never appreciated my husband as much as I do at this moment in our lives. He is working hard to make this easier on me. My family is supportive and in one week, all of my siblings and I will be together for the first time in a year. I consider us to be 4 parts of a whole so a year is a long time to be apart. People have been wonderful to me. Food has been arranged for us 3 nights a week, I get cards in the mail nearly every day and all I have to do is ask and I am taken care of. Want to go on a walk, done. Want to have some company, done. These are the things that really make a difference.
Mondays are my chemo therapy days right now and even with things going as well so far as they have, it's enough to make me want to just stay in bed because each week is daunting not knowing if it will be a good one or not. But in turn, every week brings me that much closer to putting this whole situation to bed and that is something I am looking forward to very much. So for now, it's full steam ahead.
Thank you for supporting me here, I have the best readers in the world!