Wednesday, May 30, 2012


As summer is here and we are all likely to pass by quite a few garage sales each week, I encourage you to do as I will be doing and keep an eye out for old dishes.

For me, the next six months is chalk full of parties. Not the kind where I just show up and have a good time, but the kind where I'm involved in a whole lot of planning. It started last weekend with our eldest daughter's high school graduation and winds up in November with the wedding of my youngest sister, with more in between.

At any party, I've found that replacing paper plates with my the eclectic mix of vintage dishes I've gathered for pennies from garage sales and second hand stores has multiple benefits. They make every guest feel important, they serve as a decoration of sorts, they start conversation because of their varied patterns and they are surprisingly simple to clean up. They've become my standard party ware!
Amelia Tarbet via Bustled

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