Often times, the cushions of a leather couch wear out long before the frame shows significant signs of aging. Here's a great solution, cover the cushions in an alternate fabric. This option not only prolongs the life of the couch, but it really looks great without any big expense.
I actually did this to my red leather sofa after seeing the same idea in a Pottery Barn book. I took a cheap quilt from Wal-mart, laid it on the floor inside out with cushions on top, traced the outline leaving room on the sides, and sewed it up! Then I flipped it inside out, stuffed the cushions in, and sealed it up with industrial strength velcro. So far it's worked out beautifully!
Using a quilt is even better than plain old fabric. What a good idea! I have a friend who is thinking about taking this approach, I can't wait to tell her.
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