Friday, December 12, 2008

Unsolicited Advice

This is not news but since it's Christmas time, maybe you'd like to know that this book is a great thing to add to your own Christmas list if you don't have it already. Even if it seems like a strange concept, trust me, it's great.


Pigtown*Design said...

How FUNNY! I just bought this book today. I was in the used bookstore and picked it up for about $6.00! It has some great ideas.

Karyn said...

Pigtown, it is such a good one to have as a reference. You never know when you or I might decide to put something together.

You are always so lucky in your book finds! I hope I'll be as lucky today, I'm on the hunt for an antique copy of The Three Musketeers. Wish me luck. Thanks for stopping by.