Posts here will be few and far between for now. The
snag I mentioned a few weeks back is actually more like an unraveling of sorts in the form of cervical cancer. The long and short of which means surgeries (#2 tomorrow) and then chemo therapy and radiation treatment for 6 weeks as soon as I've recovered from that. I'm not looking forward to any of it but I know I can do it. I've had many life experiences that have been far from ideal and so I hope that they might have prepared me for dealing with something like this. . . and I am ever an optimist. I will be fine but it will be awhile. So, send a healing vibe my way if you have some energy to share and I'll be forever grateful. I'll be back here as I am able.
Wolf House Vintage
P.S.-Please know that I hate to air such private real life ugliness online but I hate to just stop posting without an explanation and I know that "life" happens to all of us so you'd probably forgive my social faux pas with that in mind.
You are very brave to post with such a personal thing. I sincerely wish you a very speedy recovery and all the healing vibes and sunshine these fingers can type {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{.......
Oh my goodness me, please take care and I'm sending all my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thank you for sharing, I think it's important and I'm sure all the positive thoughts coming your way from blogland will help you in the next while. *hugs*
What a great attitude! How do you do it? The mental part is such a huge component in recovery they say, and yours seems so strong. COURAGE MON AMIE!
Sending you supportive thoughts of strength, humor, energy, and, if I could, lots of homemade apple pie!
Sending goof Ju Ju your way........
and yes, a prayer as well!
Sending you strength, hope, courage and healing. Thoughts are with you.
I'm a big believer in healing vibes and I'm sending a great dollup of them your way! Be Well!
I am an administrator in a cancer center and so what you have posted today, while deeply personal and for most private, doesn't seem ugly to me but instead is a normal part of what I see and feel around me everyday. The fact that you are able and willing to be open about it, to put words to it, will serve you so well. I have found, after going through this with so many, that those who deal with it as one of many experiences, and use their normal good coping skills, find that they've made it easier for others to support them. I am sending many positive thoughts and a lot of energy to help you through the rough times until you come out on the healing end of this. I love your blog and draw energy from it, I'd be happy to be of service to you if I can help in anyway with info etc. You just have to say the word. I saw a woman the other day, she was probably in her late 70s, wearing a headband with bobbing pumpkins on it and she was carrying a bottle of champagne. She was in to celebrate completion of radiation with the staff that had cared for her. She said "cancer really sucks, but I'm not about to let it suck the life out of me.". I loved that.
Sending prayers and healing thoughts your way :-)
Will be thinking of you and sending you waves and waves of healing energy.
Thank you for sharing with us - may you rest and recover through this time.
You give us such beauty in your posts.
Love and healing thoughts are sent your way.
Thank you for sharing... it is a gift to others to be able to support you. Your chosen bits of beauty have nourished many daily via your blog; now it's our turn to nourish you.
Every good wish for a healing journey.
never underestimate the power of those "healing vibes!" They are coming from every corner of the blogosphere! we will all miss you, but you will be in the thoughts and prayers of so many! Take good care and stay strong!
Will be praying for your healing and recovery. Thank you for sharing with us- I will miss your blog presence but know that you're supported by your many readers who look forward to your return when this is past.
Healing vibes on there way.
Take care.
Sending prayers, grace, and healing thoughts.
You are all so fantastic. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am home from the hospital and busy recuperating. I'll be in from time to time. Take care, Karyn
sending lots of love and prayers for healing and recovery your way, xo
I read your blog early this morning. I thought about it all day. I just had to come home and sign up (I have never left a comment before on any blog) so I could tell you I will be thinking of you and praying for you. I have learned from past experience that if you send it out there you will connect with so many people to draw strength from. God bless you.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish you the best and a speedy recovery.
Sending healing vibes your way...
Thank you for sharing your personal situation. I wish you all the best through this challenging time and for a speedy recovery.
Take care *hugs*
I just read your post.
I admire your courage and honesty.
Please know that I will also be praying for you.
These words seem so little, but I wanted you to know I care.
How brave to open up your life to us. Prayers from Atlanta, Ga. Along with strength and courage to fight this.
You have a new follower! More importantly, a new prayer.
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